結婚して21年、平凡な生活を送る主婦。最近。年齢を重ねるごとに心が冷めていくのを感じる…もう一度だけ10代の頃のようにキスしただけでドキドキする燃えるようなSEXがしたい。1日限定彼氏と最初で最後の不貞中出しSEXさゆりさん(42歳)練馬区在住 子供:娘(19歳)
A 42-year-old housewife who has been married for 21 years and leads a ordinary life. Recently, she feels her heart growing colder as she ages... She longs to have passionate sex like when she was in her teens again, just by kissing someone. One-day limited partner and first and last infidelity with outercourse, Sayuri-san from Itabashi ward, living with one daughter aged 19.
HAWA-333 / 2024-10-24